1.) Stock-This refers to the type of paper used for your work. Paper can make or break your project. It is important that your broker or printer be knowledgeable to suggest the right stock for your job.

2.) Full Color- To printers, this term means printing in 4/color process. Due to new technology, the cost of producing your work in full color has become much more affordable.

3.) Copy on Disk- In today's digital world, most businesses and most individuals have access to a computer. Most graphic designers can capture the keystrokes from your WORD or COREL word processing file and use it for designing your brochure or mailing piece. Most printers prefer to utilize Page Layout programs such as Quark Express or In-Design.

4.) Pages- When giving specifications for a job the printer may ask- How many pages do you want? A page refers to 1/side of 1 sheet. A 2 page flyer 8.5'' x 11'' means you print 2/sides or 60 leafs of paper copied 1/side! Make sure you and your graphic supplier understand each other!

5.) #10 Size- This means folding your job to fit into #10 size mailing envelope... The business standard for the USA. When designing printing, you usually start at the end! You must think about how you will distribute your finished piece and then proceed to design it and make it fit your needs!

6.) Artwork- This can mean a lot of things. Photos, logos, art which relates to your company. Camera-ready artwork (old term for a page that is typeset and ready to be shot into a negative to use for printing). Today most art is scanned and digitized. Most printers have access to "Clip Art." These are scanned images ready to add to your jobs enhance the design.

6710 Virginia Parkway, Suite 215
PMB 315
Mckinney, Texas 75071
P:(972) 352-3721